Combination test
Reliably detect allergies & food intolerances with 7DROPS!
The test kit contains everything you need to test for 295 allergies and 286 intolerances from the comfort of your own home. From the alcohol swabs to the applicator with the lancet to the sample tube for your blood sample and a prepaid return envelope – everything is included.
Combination test: 1 finger prick is enough
Not in the mood for long waiting times at the specialist? No problem. The home combination test for allergies & food intolerances is here.
- Science-based
- Test 581 triggers at once
- IgE & IgG test
- Comprehensive results
3 steps, 7 drops
It's that easy
1Order test kit
- Free delivery
- Secure payment
- 100% data protection
2Collect blood sample
- Easy finger prick
- Secure and fast
- 1 sample, 286 results
3Receive result
- Medically
- Evaluated
- Personalised recommendations